Passing it on: Some Advice from our Advance Level Students

Imparting experiences and knowledge to our students is very important to us. What better way for our current Pre-Secondary Students to learn more about life and the different challenges in secondary school by learning from the experience of their older sisters, our 2022 Form 6 Finishers.

Below are the questions that our pre-secondary students asked our older students:

  • What are the ways that you have to use so that you can reach and finish Form 6?
  • What are the challenges that you faced during your time in pre-secondary until form 6?
  • How did you overcome all those challenges?
  • How do we protect ourselves from getting pregnant that will lead us to drop out of school?

Below are the insights and advice shared by our Form 6 Students:

  • Study Hard: We advised you to struggle (work hard) in your studies especially when you go to Form One. You have to learn English in order to be able to answer your examinations and understand your lessons.
  • Punctuality: Know proper time management and not to be late to avoid unnecessary punishments.
  • Self-confidence: We advised you that you confidence that will enable you to stand and struggle without fear.
  • Self-discipline: Your performance is directly affected on how discipline you are. You should have control and focus everywhere you go.
  • Cooperation: Learning to Cooperate and socialize with others in various activities at school is important. For example, studying together will help you to love well and perform well in their studies
  • Selection of friends: When you go to Form One, they have to select good friends that will enable them to achieve their goals. They should not choose bad friends that can lead them to bad morals and even drop out from school.
  • Trust Yourself and Self-Acceptance: You should learn to trust oneself that you can do things. Also, accept your reality that you are a girl and you can do what boys can do and be successful.
  • Caring for yourself: You should take care of yourself in order to avoid early pregnancy.
  • Never give up: You should not give up especially when you are facing hard things like not performing well in your exams. You have to persevere. Remember: “Failure is the bridge into success.”
  • Pray hard and trust in God: The fear of God is the source of all knowledge so you should study and pray hard.

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