Author: Emusoi

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Let them be GIRLS

    Let them be GIRLS

    LET THEM BE GIRLS Let them laugh. Let them have fun. Let them be carefree. Let them run, jump and cheer. Let them learn new things. Let them dream. Let […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Nasianda and her Path to Empowerment

    Nasianda and her Path to Empowerment

      For our fourth video of our #ittakesavillage series: Pathway to Empowerment, we offered a glimpse of the empowering and inspiring story of Nasianda. To get to know her more, […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Pathway to Empowerment

    Pathway to Empowerment

        We invite you to journey with us as we feature the Path to Empowerment of one of our former students and how it was impacted by the support […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Our No. 1 Supporter

    Our No. 1 Supporter

    Our little way of showing how much we appreciate the sacrifices that our Pastoralist and Hunter-Gatherer Mothers had and have been doing to our young women.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Emusoi Through The Year

    Emusoi Through The Year

    Sharing what it is like through the year at our center

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Our Easter Story: A Safari of Empowerment

    Our Easter Story: A Safari of Empowerment

      For our Easter Story, we invite you to journey with us as we feature the journey of one of our students and how it was impacted by the support […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Fullness of Life at Emusoi

    Fullness of Life at Emusoi

    A few months ago, Gregg Brekke, a photojournalist and writer, came to our center to know more about our works with the pastoralist and hunter-gatherer communities in Tanzania. He interviewed […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: A Partnership that Empowers

    A Partnership that Empowers

    The African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” best describes what our center has been doing when we have partnered with different individuals and groups since 1999. […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Emusoi in a Nutshell

    Emusoi in a Nutshell

    Emusoi Center in Arusha, Tanzania is a center for young Pastoralist/Hunter-Gatherer women. It is run by Sr. Mary Vertucci, A Maryknoll Sister with a dedicated staff of Tanzanians. At present, […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Our Emusoi Story

    Our Emusoi Story

    EDUCATE. EMPOWER. INSPIRE. Since 1999, Emusoi Centre in Arusha, Tanzania has been educating, empowering and inspiring young women from the Pastoralist and Hunter-Gatherer Communities, namely the Maasai, Hadzabe, Barbaig, Tatoga […]