Emusoi Updates

Celebrating the achievements of our students who joined our centre in 2017. It was a long journey that tested their determination and drive to reach for their dreams. CONGRATULATIONS!!! HONGERENI!!!
We continue to create spaces to EDUCATE, EMPOWER and INSPIRE our young women.

“I wanted to change the narrative.” – Grace
Meet Grace Scorey: One of our former students who is “creating a better future for women and girls in her community. This set her on a trailblazing path of education and activism.”
This is what happens when you educate a girl–she becomes a Community Champion, a Change maker and a Role Model to the community especially to young pastoralist and hunter-gatherer girls.
To know more about her trailblazing endeavors, click: Community Champion
Our dear Sr. Mary is featured in the October issue of the CatholicSpirit . This is the official newspaper of the Diocese of Metuchen in New Jersey.
Below is an excerpt from the article:
“Sister Mary said, At Emusoi, we give the students the background to enter the world and help their country.” The center provides a home for 270 Maasai girls who live at Emusoi and at secondary schools around Arusha. There are very few college-educated women among the Maasai, so the need is great for education at all levels.”
The article was submitted by Chris Retz (a parishioner of St. Matthias Parish).
Our centre is so proud to share the results of the hard work of our Form 6 students. It has been a long safari for them to reach this stage in their lives but they persevered!
This wonderful news would not be possible if not for your continued support to our centre. Your generosity allowed these young women to bring positive changes in their lives and in their communities. ASANTE SANA!!!!!
We are so #proud to share the results of the #hardwork #resilience #determination and #grit of our Form Four students last year.
This is our biggest number of girls being selected for Advanced Level Education.
We would like to thank the #generosity of our sponsors and donors. Your support continues to change the lives of our young women. ASANTENI SANA!

Our center continues to celebrate women’s month by sharing the different stages of empowering women by our center. We believe in empowering them through education. We have accompanied and mentored them in the different stages of their lives. It is our continued hope that they become confident and empowered women who will bring positive changes in their communities. March is the month for women. This is our message to all women all over the world. May we be reminded that celebrating women should not just on March 8 or on March but should be everyday.



Our educational sponsorship is more than just a #steppingstone for our young women to finish their secondary education. Being part of Emusoi is also a time for them to discover their potentials and gain the confidence to stand on their own feet. When our young women pursue their university education, we assist them in applying for government student loans. We believe that this is the perfect time for them to take the initiative and be accountable for their future.